
I was blown away about the effects I noticed when I recently did TaiChi for the first time. Julie kindly walked me through some warm up exercises and a basic TaiChi move just recently. I felt the effects instantly practicing that first warm up exercise. What I felt was instant connection and a sense of joy, it almost moved me to tears. Having practiced meditation regularly for some time now, I know how it can sometimes be challenging to focus and centre myself especially during busy times. With TaiChi there was no effort to do this, it happened with ease.  I can easily see how TaiChi can create that sense of relaxation and calm and can give wonderful health benefits. Because of this experience I have decided to commence weekly classes with Julie, which are held at the beaches and in the city for 2017. I am looking forward to enjoying more of the wonderful effects and benefits I experienced that day.

Deb Johnstone

MindSet/ Success Coach, Transformational Pathways


To whom it may concern

The Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre is a long-established community organisation servicing the community on Cairns’ Northern Beaches and adjacent suburbs.


Julie Hutchin has facilitated the Tai Chi group at the Neighbourhood Centre for more than five years and during that time she has:

  • Delivered a well-attended weekly Tai Chi class;
  • Involved herself and the Tai Chi students in the Annual Seniors’ Expo and demonstrated the physical and mental benefits of Tai Chi principles to older people in the community;
  • Undertaken regular self and student evaluation while introducing a variety of strategies and tools to increase learner independence;
  • Co-presented the Queensland Government funded Stay on Your Feet Project, Balance, which ran from the Centre over an eight-week period.


Julie has participated in significant professional development opportunities both in Australia and overseas:

  • In 2012 she went to Hong Kong to gain further accreditation and returned to open her own Tai Chi School, known as Golden Phoenix;
  • Julie has trained extensively in Australia and is now holding International Certification Representing Dr Paul Lam Tai Chi for Health Institute. Australia.
  • Julie is one of two (VEDA) Australian Ambassadors. Vestibular Balance Disorders Awareness, Portland Oregon. org


Julie’s Tai Chi classes have become an integral part of the Seniors’ Program here at the Centre and her continued involvement of the Centre and its activities forms a meaningful part of what happens here on a regular basis.


Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the centre during office hours on 07 4055 6440.

January 2017

Colleen Blunt

Coordinator, Marlin Coast Neighborhood Center

Tai Chi flyer Handout x 3 Oct back (2)I have been a practitioner of the Martial Arts since 1948 and still a student and sometimes a teacher. I am writing for a friend, and fellow Artist whom I have been acquainted with for some time.

Sifu Julie Hutchin is a dynamic human being, and mentor to many. She is a Master Class Instructor in her chosen art, and I highly respect her in her teaching abilities and Martial knowledge. She has dealt with and overcome adversity, as many of us do, but she does it with a sense of spirit that in all my years have not witnessed ever before.

She has an unnatural good grace within her that reaches out in a way that students easily understand her directions in the way she teaches, by being a part of them in adding her great charm and personality into each session with point on expertise. I only can add this ~ Whomever she teaches she reaches in a way that all who train with her look forward to each and every class with her ~ Outstanding to say the very Least ~ Blessings Sifu !

William Thomas Willard Hanshi

9th dan, Tatakai Kumo Bujutsu Fort Worth Texas USA Shibucho Kokusai Bugei Kessha / Kogaku Ryuha

I have regularly attended Julie Hutchin’ Tai Chi classes since 2012.

Julie’s fantastic knowledge, facilitation skills, friendly and professional approach for her teaching have created a high level of comfort for me. Julie provides a safe place for both, physiological as well as physical, to develop her students Tai Chi practice.

Julie is a qualified SIFU (pronounced see-foo), “master of Tai Chi”. Her devotion to help others has no limits. Julie helped me tremendously   through her classes to improve and recover my full mobility, as I suffered from a severe hip tendonitis  and lower back problem. Thanks to Julie and her Tai Chi classes, I’ve rebuilt and maintained strength, flexibility, balance.

I now share this passion for Tai Chi, often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.”

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Francoise Marx- King


As the Founder and CEO of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists, I have no hesitation in recommending Returning The Gift of Love as having highly recognised training and qualifications. I’m proud to have them as a member of our professional body for natural therapists. – Lawrence Ellyard

Lawrence Ellyard

Founder and CEO , International Institute of Complimentary Therapists


Please click on the link to review The Executive Directors support for this Business. Cynthia Ryan writes of the connection between prolonged untreated  Vestibular problems and hidden Mental Illness

Julie Hutchin LOR




Cynthia Ryan

Executive Director Ambassador Support, Vestibular Awareness Association

Testimonial for Julie Hutchin, Instructor Tai Chi for Health, Master Golden Phoenix Tai Chi

My first introduction to Tai Chi was in Canberra more than twenty years ago.  The first six months of studying Tai Chi twice a week were challenging.  I didn’t think I’d ever “get it”, it took a while and I’m so glad I persisted, eventually moving back to Sydney and practicing Yang style Tai Chi before moving to Cairns.

Tai Chi for Health, which Julie proposes to teach in the Cairns area, is backed by research undertaken by Tai Chi and Medical Experts, through the Tai Chi for Health Institute, Sydney.  The research has resulted in modification of the “form” (Tai Chi movements) taught by the Institute to reduce the likelihood of any stress on joints.  It has also been broken down for ease of learning, as well as safety.  Mental and physical strength in Tai Chi is gained through soft, flowing movements.  I have been amazed at the health benefits gained from regular, gentle Tai Chi practice.

Recently, I undertook the Tai Chi for Health Institute’s Instructor/Leader training in Tai Chi for Arthritis (Falls Prevention) for my own health and to benefit those around me.  Tai Chi is often described as “moving meditation”.  It is necessary to fully engage your mind to learn and practice Tai Chi, thus “mindfulness” is part of Tai Chi practice.    Mindfulness based training has been shown through research (Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University) to improve mental health.

Julie has been practicing Tai Chi for about forty years; she is Master of her own Tai Chi school, as well as an Instructor for the Tai Chi for Health Institute.  She is also a qualified workplace trainer, which makes her an excellent Tai Chi teacher, to which I can testify, after working with her for a year.

Working in psychiatry/mental health, I meet people every day who would benefit from Tai Chi for Health, by reducing anxiety and depression, as well as improving balance, building physical strength, self-esteem and resilience.  I hope in 2017 many of them will be able to access Tai Chi for Health in Cairns and surrounding areas.

Tai Chi for Health will be part of the rest of my life; it is the perfect exercise for all ages and conditions.  I would like to share the gift of holistic health by supporting Julie advocate for and teach Tai Chi for Health in the Cairns area.

Belinda Sharpe BNSc RN MACN

Belinda Sharpe
